Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Videos: Depeche Mode's "Wrong"; Department of Eagles' "No One Does It Like You"

Wow. I'm not a big Depeche Mode fan, but I always enjoy anything coming out of the Directors Bureau. Depeche Mode's video for "Wrong" is probably the first original music video I've seen with genuine dramatic tension and suspense in it. It's also eery without being over-explicit with its imagery. It was directed by Patrick Daughters, who premiered his video for the Department of Eagles' "No One Does It Like You," at the NY MOMA recently. Watch both videos below.

Pitchfork posted an interview with Daughters today about the creative process behind his video for DM. That's HERE.

Depeche Mode - "Wrong" (Dir. Patrick Daughters)

Department of Eagles - "No One Does It Like You" (Dir. Patrick Daughters)

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